For our most vulnerable patients, we will be delighted to make special arrangements for your visit. If you have any concerns about travelling for face-to-face appointments, we can arrange remote consultations by telephone or video.
We are confident that the processes we have put in place - such as high quality personal protective equipment (PPE), air purification and health screening for our patients and staff - will keep us all safe.
For patients who may prefer to travel by taxi or car, parking is available on the street or at local car parks. Please visit [] for more information.
Please contact us at any stage - call 020 7486 7180 or 020 7935 2249 or email [] - to arrange an appointment or if there is any further information you may require.
Our team extends their very best wishes to you all and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Our specialist team offers an extensive range of general and restorative dentistry provided to the highest clinical standards for all our patients.
We strongly believe that active prevention is always preferable to treatment.
Together, we can help you to achieve and maintain a healthy mouth and smile by taking proper care - in seven ways: